Tuesday, February 21, 2012

day off from school

The day off from school was not really a day off for me! My Kids were off from school, too. That meaned for me I had to work all day. I started at 7.30am and was off at 7.15pm. What a long day!! But in favor I had four unstressed days from Thursday to Sunday because my two bigger kids went skiing with their dad. That was really awesome! So I had more time for my three years old boy and the baby. My boy knows now a few words in German :) I am very proud!!

Hope you enjoyed your day off??


  1. You are working very hard that is very good. I like what you doing with the kids and you are teaching them that's wonderful because it's good to know more than one language. Also I like how you spend your time with the kids and they will always remember you that you are a great person.

  2. I can understand becuase I also work in friday to sunday. for this reason, in weekend, I don't have enough time for go somewhere or do homework. I think to spend with your family is very important.

  3. I have to work from Mon. to Sat.
    I wake up at 6:30am and then go to work.
    After work I take the train to school.
    And Sat. I need to work hold day, 15hours.
    I am tired, but no idea now.
    But family is important for you.
