Friday, April 13, 2012


       Everyday I have to clean my room and I don't like it because my little sister, brother, and my son makes it dirty every second; however, I have to do it because I am the oldest daughter in my family. It doesn't mean I don't have to clean but, not everyday. Also the bathroom that's the most party that I don't like to clean in the house. Instead cleaning the bathroom, I  would like to  cook everyday. I think I have to clean too because when I got my own house who will clean for me so, from now on I will clean our bathroom and surprised my mother because I never clean the bathroom before. I believe bathroom the second think that has to be clean in the house first is kitchen.


  1. actually, i didn't clean my house.. i also in this pring break, i did clean my house..after i cleaned my house, i felt very fresh.. anyway, i think we have to clean our house at least once a week

  2. In Germany I don't have to clean that much because my mom does most of it. But now I have to clean the kitchen and kids rooms everyday! And my host kids are so messy!! But once a month we have cleaning ladies come to clean our house. I didn't know that before I came here and sometimes I feel bad because there are cleaning my stuff.

  3. I clean my bedroom maybe once for two week or once for one week.
